Sidegate Primary School recently hosted its annual Arts Festival to demonstrate the talent within the school.

As the holder of the Platinum Artsmark award, the school has long recognised the invaluable role of the arts in education.

With a focus on collaboration and learning from others, the festival provided an opportunity for pupils to demonstrate their artistic abilities and engage in a diverse range of activities and workshops.

Pupils immersed themselves in Morris dancing, drama workshops, djembe drumming, and even explored the world through a camera obscura. Adding to the excitement, historical characters from Christchurch Mansion, a Tudor mansion local to the school, engaged pupils in enlightening conversations about the era. Pupils were also encouraged to contribute toward the creation of a vibrant school mural.

Wendy James, Sidegate Primary School Headteacher, said: “At Sidegate, we recognise that the arts empower our pupils to cultivate self-confidence, resilience, courage, and teamwork – skills that enable them to creatively overcome challenges. The festival was an opportunity for us to celebrate this, and we want to thank everyone involved in making the festival such a fantastic success.”

Throughout the day, the school's corridors and classrooms were transformed into colourful pop-up galleries, displaying an impressive array of visual arts created by talented students. Visitors, including the Mayor of Ipswich, Councillor Lynne Mortimer, were treated to guided tours led by enthusiastic pupil guides, who proudly showcased the school's artistic achievements.

The main stage area became the focal point of the festival, as teachers led their classes in showcasing how learning across the curriculum can be enhanced through drama, dance, and music. Through a captivating combination of dance and drama, pupils recited what they had been learning about. With Year 2 sharing engineering facts about Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a British civil engineer, and Year 6 retelling the remarkable adventure of Shackleton, a famed Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer. 

As the day progressed, attendees were further entertained by several performances by different clubs from across the school. The Shakespeare club presented a rendition of "A Midsummer Night's Dream,", and a newly formed group of signers in Key Stage 2 moved the audience with a heartfelt rendition of The Greatest Showman’s "This is Me," highlighting the inclusive and diverse nature of the school's arts programs.
The Arts Festival concluded on a high note, with the entire school joining together to sing a song that celebrated the ambition and determination fostered at the school. Reaffirming the school's commitment to empowering every child, instilling in them the belief that they can achieve anything they set their minds to. 

Lynsey Holzer, CEO of the Active Learning Trust, said: “I am delighted that Sidegate Primary School’s Arts Festival has once again been such a huge success and has engaged pupils, staff, and parents in a diverse range of arts and cultural celebrations. 
We are very proud of how Sidegate empowers each pupil to discover their unique strengths, self-expression and voice, and value the contribution the school’s expertise in this area brings to The Active Learning Trust”.