ALT Newsletter Six

Full Oracy Cambridge Report to read and download

ALT Oracy Report

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ALT Newsletter Four

1. OfSTED and Memory

Head with gears

So how good is

your memory?


Here we consider the current Ofsted framework and part of the evidenced based research that has informed its content.  We focus on memory and the grade criterion ‘…teaching is designed to help learners to remember in the long term the content they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger concepts.’


In September 2019, Ofsted introduced a new inspection framework and, along with this, and perhaps less well-read, the Overview of research  which ‘underpins’ the framework.


We are probably all familiar with the grade criterion referred to above that emphasises the importance of learners remembering what they have been taught, however, also key is to know the evidenced based research that informs of how this can be achieved.


Within the Research on memory and learning in the Quality of Education there are five key approaches:


1.  Retrieval practicethis is commonly where students are asked to recall curriculum content that they learnt a while ago.  The theory is, the harder it is to recall, the better it will then be embedded in the future.  One key method within this is the use of low stakes testing, e.g. quizzes, which has proved to be effective when carried out ‘a reasonable time after a topic has been initially taught’; low stakes testing is also beneficial in encouraging high levels of pupil engagement.

2.  Spaced (or distributed) practicethis is where short periods of study are shown to be more beneficial than a longer period of study and is particularly effective for students when studying for exams or high stakes tests.

3. Dual coding – here, along with a verbal representation, a visual representation is also provided as ‘visual and verbal information are processed through different channels in the brain’ and therefore the content is more likely to be remembered and to ‘stick’.

4. Elaboration – involves learners linking new knowledge to previous knowledge through self-questioning, e.g. Why and How questions following on from initial learning.  This at first can be modelled by the teacher and then students can be encouraged to self-question or to question in a pair or a small group.

Finally, 5. Cognitive load theory where providing learning in ‘manageable chunks’ supports the ‘capacity of the short-term memory’ and helps to ensure the brain is not ‘overloaded’ and that learners don’t simply become overwhelmed.


Bridging the gap between research findings and teaching practice is fundamental for leaders as we continue to strive to bring about the best outcomes for all students

Knowing that the implementation of the above approaches will make a difference is compelling evidence in providing the motivation to bring this about. 


So how good is your memory? 


Can you remember the five approaches mentioned above that can support students in the retention of curriculum content? 


Perhaps you knew them already -  if not, maybe try some retrieval practice and set a reminder on your phone and see if you can remember them in a week’s time.


Joy Parke


2. In conversation with Alan Howe, our Oracy Programme Lead, Oracy Cambridge, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge


How did the Trust-wide Oracy programme come about?

I met with David Hilton who intimated that in 19/20 the Trust was going to have a focus on curriculum development with a specific emphasis on depth - the quality of language used in teaching and learning was going to be of paramount importance in achieving success – schools would welcome professional development in this context: oracy could be the key


What were you aiming to achieve?

An opportunity for learners to develop explicit oracy skills; to build on existing practice across the Trust in relation to what was going on in classrooms, recognising that schools at different developmental stages; to achieve a consistent approach Trust-wide through identifying key principles informed by evidence-based practice and successful school experience; to support collaboration within and across schools in taking the programme forward; o identify clear impact on the quality of teaching, student progress and achievement, oracy skills, learning


Which evidence base(s) and experiences did you take account of to inform its content and process?

Two longitudinal studies – one on the impact of dialogic teaching on Y5 pupils undertaken at York university, the other led by Neil Mercer on the power of combining dialogic teaching with oracy skills in improving learning and outcomes; recent initiatives supported by Oracy Cambridge eg across the borough of Camden, which pioneered the concept of ‘Oracy Hubs’; personally I have been involved in developing a range of oracy activities in LAs and with the National Strategies.


What other considerations influenced the programme’s development?

There were many including our work with School/Voice 21…which I know some Trust schools are already working with  effectively; the existing hub structure which historically had enabled collaborative cpd; willingness to explore new ideas and innovative solutions in context; commitment to professional learning Trust-wide; clarity re roles and responsibilities; international evidence on the most effective forms of teacher professional learning - in particular the balance between external expertise and input with action-research enquiry at school level


What is the role of the programme steering group and how important did you find HT representation?

This was vital in informing the development of the programme across the Trust – the group providing a touchstone in confirming activities were proceeding in the right direction and aligned to the context in which schools were operating as well as challenge – committed HT involvement on the group was critical as these HTs were influential in securing sign up from all schools across the Trust – we initially anticipated working with a small cohort and were delighted when we achieved 100% participation after the September launch


What has been the response of oracy leads, their schools, the Trust?

The oracy leads are central to the success of the programme and it has been great to observe them growing in knowledge, understanding, confidence and influence – they have a range of roles within their schools and it is interesting to work not only with middle leaders but also with less experienced colleagues as well – all have developed a passion for taking this work forward in schools and making a difference


How have you tracked impact?

Through a staged and developing approach – i) learner behaviours: greater confidence in spoken language, more visibility and profile in classroom activities, increased levels of willingness to participate ii) increased use of explicit teaching strategies iii) development and assessment of learner oracy skills iv) case studies that are illustrative of context and impact achieved


On reflection i) what has worked well and why?  And ii) what has worked less well and why?

The oracy lead role without doubt has worked well, feedback on learner responses indicates increased levels of good talking and listening, the use of imaginative strategies in schools related to stages of development and context and encouragingly a level of congruence in approach across Trust schools; less well less explicit impact on dialogic teaching – in hindsight maybe we should have had a more explicit focus on this aspect earlier – interesting reflection point in progressing learning and sequencing of cpd…although there is a counterargument that schools needed to address specific aspects of explicit oracy education first (eg focus on vocabulary, or debating, or ground rules for collaborative discussion) before turning attention to dialogic teaching as the other absolutely key element for oracy to develop.


In your view, how might this work be embedded as part of the core business of the Trust?

To retain the oracy lead role; to be clear on Trust expectations and what is to be achieved from reception through to KS4/5 – we will be working on this in the online summer workshops; to create a dedicated area for oracy on the Trust website – profiling programme reports, illustrating evidence base, sharing case studies of practice in schools…and indeed this interview!


Consider introducing the concept of the ‘talking school’ – possibly a piece of collaborative work between the Trust and Oracy Cambridge – which would involve quality assuring the work based on key criteria such as learner/staff talk, student leadership etc - a topic for discussion at the next steering group meeting in May…?


Most importantly, for all schools to make a commitment to oracy education and dialogic teaching as a non-negotiable feature of all teaching appointments.


Specifically, given the current challenge, of pupils and students engaging with online learning, how might oracy be developed in this context?

I have just written a blog on the Oracy Cambridge website … ‘talking at a distance…’  in which I reflect on the different oracy demands of  working in an online environment, and not just the difficulties, as it seems to me that there are some positive effects as well – of course there is a risk that online learning reduces conversation – so how do we rescue oracy? – my blog suggests ways in which we might address this


Marilyn Toft





ALT Newsletter Three

1. Reading Seminar

On Wednesday 1 April, the Trust held its first Trust-wide webinar on Reading led by Marilyn Toft, Director of Professional Development.


This was a pilot webinar and provided an opportunity to assess a webinar as an appropriate learning platform for future ALT’s core professional development programme.


On the morning of the reading webinar, there was a high level of attendance from English reading leaders and Headteachers from across the Trust schools.


The four panel presenters: Andrew Rough (Red Oak Primary School), Teri Prindible (Reydon Primary School), Mary Cody and Mark Twigge (Cromwell Community College) represented both primary and secondary phases of education.


ALT Reading Seminar

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Watch the full webinar with playlist feature


Key themes:


- Reading for pleasure goes together with the teaching of reading


- Book choice from quality texts that engage readers


- Positive stock of reading books that is easily accessed


- Finding the right book for the reluctant reader


- Reading incentives


- Teachers as role model readers


- Older readers supporting younger readers, e.g. Year 6 or VI form


- Need for the development of reading skills across the range of curriculum subjects


- Relationship between oracy and reading


- Useful strategies, e.g. echo reading, practising skimming and scanning


- Highlighted resources: Power of Reading, Reading Gladiators, PiXL


Each of the panel presenters spoke about the importance of the early identification and the establishment of a coherent strategy to support vulnerable readers.  This was firmly affirmed by colleagues from Cromwell Community College who are typically seeing a third of pupils entering secondary education reading significantly below their chronological age.


These are useful reminders that every school’s reading intent should demonstrate a coherent commitment and plan to ensure every child learns to become a reader.


The Trust has commissioned a paper Reading for Pleasure:  Evidence and strategies from David Reedy (former school advisor and current educational writer) that provides useful case-studies and evidence-based research to further support school’s actions following the Reading seminar.


His paper concludes with the following apposite question:


Would you judge your school to be a ‘reading school’ where the ‘skill and the will’ are in balance?



ALT Newsletter Two

1. Spotlight on Jess Smith and the introduction of Story Time Phonics

Jess Smith is the English lead and a senior teacher at Chesterton Primary School, Cambridge.  In September, the school introduced StoryTime Phonics to support the implementation of Letters and Sounds. Here Jess talks about the introduction of the programme and the impact that it has had on children’s learning and OFSTED’s view when they recently inspected.

Why did you introduce StoryTime Phonics at Chesterton Primary School?

Phonics lessons were a bit boring and dry with children, particularly boys, not actively engaged.  We introduced StoryTime Phonics because it’s based on real books so that children could see the link between learning phonics and learning to read.

How did you implement the programme?

I engaged with the online training videos and then disseminated this out to the Reception and Year 1 teachers.   Following this, I supported teachers with planning and carried out lesson visits to see how the programme was embedding.  We arranged a parent workshop so that parents were aware so could link with their child’s learning.

What is the cost?

The total cost for the school was £2,500 and this was a one-off charge.  This provides access to training materials, IWB resources, teaching resources (flashcards, etc.), storybooks

What has been the impact?

The response of the children has been very positive with high levels of engagement, for example, in EYFS the children are far more actively engaged in phonics activities within the continuous provision – the children are also applying their phonics more readily to their independent reading and writing.


            As Ofsted commented:  Children receive a strong start in learning to read as a result of a well-   planned and ambitious phonics curriculum. For example, the Reception class spent time learning the ‘ch’   sound in the outside storytelling chair. Staff were dressed as characters from the story of ‘Chicken Licken’, which enthused the children.

            Pupils enjoy reading. They talk fondly of books they have read and the authors who wrote them.


Initially though it did mean an increase of workload for the teachers in reading and adapting the StoryTime plans, however, as time has gone on planning time has reduced as teachers are more used to the programme; they can also see the positive impact the programme is having on the children’s phonics learning.

How have you communicated the change to parents?

We had a phonics workshop which included a lesson visit to EYFS which was very positive.  The parents were amazed at what the children were capable of.  The teachers also send home pre-teach phonics packs each week which supports home learning and additional flashcards as part of focused provision for identified children.

How does the programme fit with your approach to the teaching of reading?

Our approach is to encourage children to develop a love of reading through the use of high quality texts; for children to understand the reasons to learn to read and write – StoryTime Phonics aligns positively with this approach.

Would you recommend StoryTime Phonics to other schools who are following Letters and Sounds?

Yes, but as teachers you do need to think carefully about your planning and you did need to be creative and engage fully with the approach.

ALT Newsletter One  

1. The leadership Challenge and Key Questions for consideration - Josh Wilkes

2. Spotlight on Anna Heaven and Metacognition

3. Leading the introduction of PiXL… by Annie Hunter


1. The leadership Challenge and Key Questions for consideration - Josh Wilkes

For a number of reasons, both Westwood and Grove Primary Schools have had to review their curriculum this year. Westwood had been trialling an enquiry based approach to learning where subjects were not taught discretely however, despite having benefits, it was not effective for our children. It was also not providing the rigour and discipline of each subject and did not maintain the subject integrity that the new OFSTED framework is asking for. Additionally, at both schools we have had a number of NQTs and teachers early in their career joining our staffing team meaning we needed subject leaders to be clear on expectations. As a SLT, we recognise the importance of subject leaders in developing and sustaining a highly effective curriculum. Therefore developing confident, effective subject leadership has formed an integral part of our School Development Plan this year and has been the focus of my leadership challenge.

Before beginning I considered some key questions:

1. Is there evidence that teachers lack confidence in subject leadership?

2. What can I practically do to develop and support subject leader’s confidence?

3. Which leadership styles will be significant for me to adopt?

4. How can I ensure sustainability?

5. How can I ensure this has an impact across both schools?

6.  How will I evidence an increase in confidence of subject leaders?

7. Has there been a wider impact (ripple effect)?

Before I formed a strategy to resolve the challenge of subject leadership confidence I felt it was imperative to gather the subject leader’s personal feelings. Subject leaders were given a questionnaire asking 7 questions about their confidence towards different aspects of their subject leadership. Answers were gathered on a scale of 1-5 (1 being not confident, 5 being very confident).  To summarise, in September 2019, 90% of teacher’s scored themselves between 1 - 3 on all questions, with the majority of these scoring themselves at a confidence level of 1.

In addition to this quantitative data, I finished with one question to gather qualitative data asking the individual to reflect on their answers and comment on how they felt they could be further supported. These responses included: guidance on leading the subject across the school; training on deep dives; seeing examples of assessment; continuing professional development; use of staff meeting time and  support in seeing the end goal.


Strategy to resolve challenge

When considering the leadership styles and the practical steps needed to effect change I decided that coaching would be most effective as this would allow me to equip subject leaders whilst working alongside them. I also acknowledged that I may need to use other leadership styles to ensure that progress is made quickly (pacesetting) and that expectations are upheld (authroitative).

Practically, in response to subject leaders feedback, I developed a range of strategies that would positively impact subject leader confidence.  These included:

1.         Release time: Subject leaders were given the time they felt they required to develop their subject. As I leader, I felt it was important to recognise the impact subject leadship could have on work-life balance.  

2.         Subject leader checklists: This outlined the role of a subject leader clearly via a list of practical tasks.

3.         Intent, Implementation & Impact: A proforma was created to help subject leaders refine their vision for their subject, how they would achieve this (action plan) and how they would evidence impact.  

4.         Subject Handbooks: Subject Leaders have been supported to create a handbook for their subject enabling them to communicate their expectations and effectively support staff across both schools.

5.         Subject Leader Days (1:1 support): Subject Leaders have had 1:1 support from myself identifying and reflecting on successes and next steps for their subject.

6.         Schemes of work: For subject leaders particularly low in confidence, schemes of work have been introduced as a supporting document and a starting point in developing their subject.

7.         Staff Meetings: I have delievered staff meetings on effective curriculum; we have dedicated staff meetings to particular subjects, allowing subject leaders to train other staff and have used staff meeting sessions to give staff opportunities to go and develop their subjects within their teams.

8.         Mock Deep Dives: I have spent time with subject leaders talking them through what a deep dive would consist of and have arranged for the trust to complete non-threatening mock deep dives.


Results to date


Through the strategies in place, there has been a significant increase in subject leader’s confidence already. In January 2020, I distributed the initial questionnaire a second time. A summary of results is as follows:

•          100% of subject leaders scored themselves at a higher level of confidence in all 6 areas.

•          0 % of subject leaders scored themselves at a confidence level of 1 (the majority of subject leaders scored themselves between 3 - 5).


Additionally, the second questionnaire gathered qualitative data regarding the impact of support. The responses included: an increased awareness of the role, responsibilities and expectations of a subject leader; a greater understanding of deep dives; an increased confidence in subject knowledge across all year groups and a clearer vision for their subject.  


A second question gathering qualitative data recording staff perceptions on which strategies were most effective in supporting them. Feedback included: school CPD sessions on subject leadership; working with leadership and seeing it modelled; support when working as a team developing the subject; developing subject handbooks and 1:1 support clarifying expectations and setting up subject documents (i.e. Long Term Plans etc).


Analysis of process

Overall, so far, I feel that my involvement with the subject leaders has had a positive impact which is highlighted in the results above. Despite this there have also be a number of challenges along the way.

Upon reflection, it is clear that using a range of leadership styles, dependent on the situation, has been a success during this project. The coaching style has allowed me to support staff to find their own solutions to problems therefore increasing confidence in a non-threatening and safe environment for staff. It has allowed me to build a trust with subject leaders meaning they have been willing to take risks, receive constructive feedback positively and have shown enthusiasm to achieve the high expectations we have of them, whilst feeling supported to do so. This has also proved a challenge for me as I have had to learn as a leader it is important I allow others to develop their leadership and not to just ‘do it all myself’. The relationship built through coaching has also allowed me to use a pacesetting leadership style in order to move the school forward at the pace we required and bring others along with me. I have also had to use an authoritative leadership style and, although I have found this more challenging as it is not my preferred style, it has been important to use to ensure that expectations are being met. At times this has been challenging, however it has been important to hold others to account in order for subject leaders to maintain the expectations we have of them. I have learnt from this, that not only is it important to adapt my leadership style dependent on the situation but also to learn the style that works best when dealing with individual members of staff. Having an emotional intelligence to understand which style to use when, has been an important lesson for me to be a successful leader. I feel that using the wrong style in the wrong situation could have led to worse outcomes, less positive relationships with staff leading to less ‘buy in’ and slower development of others as leaders.

Furthermore, as an Assistant Headteacher (whereby the Deputy Headteacher is on Maternity leave), this project has understandably not been my only priority in school life. Managing my time has been a challenge as the scale of this project is fairly large and I have had to learn to strategically manage my time in order to have a significant impact on subject leaders.

Additionally, this project has added extra pressure on staff and it has been a challenge for me to manage staff morale and their well-being. I have been fortunate that the strong relationships I have with the subject leaders and the small conversations I have with staff that show I care, have meant that there have been really positive reactions from the staff and they have been extremely positive about the project. I also believe that they appreciate my genuine desire and passion to provide a better curriculum for the children and my support to develop them as subject leaders. Morale has therefore been good throughout and I have managed work life balance by providing time and support to do the work during the school day.

I feel a significant success of this project is that it is sustainable. I have begun to learn to judge my success as a leader not only on what I am doing but also how well I am facilitating others to achieve and develop. This therefore will have long term impacts on the school and individual’s careers. This project is providing staff with the confidence and skills for sustainable development.



2. Spotlight on Anna Heaven and Metacognition

Anna currently works at Sidegate primary school in Ipswich where she is a Y6 teacher, Upper KS2 Phase Leader, PIXL raising standards lead and Pupil Voice Lead. However, we wanted to shine a light on the work she has done at the school regarding developing metacognition and student learning behaviours.

Metacognition has recently come into focus with the EEF publishing a guidance report and a tool to help schools to develop practice (search metacognition on the EEF site). Research consistently shows it is one of the most effective strategies in supporting pupils to progress.

What is Metacognition though? Perhaps the descriptions from staff and students at Sidegate that Anna has gathered sum it up best:

  • Making you think about what you’re doing and take more care.” Billy Y6
  • “Well if you don’t think about your learning, you won’t know if you’re doing your best.” Freya Y6
  • “To help you learn on your own.” Teju Y6
  • “When you’re doing a real deep question, it encourages you to think more deeply.” Frankie Y5
  • “Thinking about thinking helps me to learn.” Bailey Y3
  • “To help children regulate and monitor their own learning.” Mrs B (Y4)
  • “Metacognition is the key to understanding how one learns. The more we know, the better able we are to do our best learning. Some element of choice also helps too.” Mr H (SLT)
  • “Helps children to think about their learning more systematically.” Mrs N (Y3)

The work at Sidegate on metacognition is still ongoing and has progressed over a number of years. At KS1 children focus on learning behaviours and the metacognition focus comes from year 3 onwards -  where thinking journals are introduced. Anna explains that thinking journals are a really good place to do informal planning, monitoring and evaluation. Different formats for planning are on display around the room so children can choose to access the most appropriate format and gradually learn to do this independently. It’s all about equipping the children with the skills to be able to make decisions independently.


  • 2015/16: Sidegate Learning Gang embedded YR-6. Every letter of the school name has a letter e.g “S” for successful and a character figure to accompany (which are displayed around school). Part of it is getting children to develop self-awareness of what they find challenging or not e.g being “Thoughtful Theo”.
  • 2018/19: Trial metacognitive strategies in Y5
  • 2019/20: SLG relaunched YR-6, Metacognition rolled out across KS2
  • 2020/21: Metacognition to be embedded across KS2


Anna feels that for metacognition to be done well in a school it needs to be part of the culture of the classroom and every interaction with child. Encouraging independence is key. Anna has worked with children so they can choose thoughtfully between scaffolded (if they need support), created context or complete free choice activities. This links with placing no limits on learning and recognising that children excel in different areas and should not be limited by an ability label. It’s about children being able to identify where they need to go, and having that awareness of what they already know.

Key concepts to get children to think about when planning are:

  • What do I already know?
  • What information do I need to find out?
  • Which strategies will I use?
  • What is the most effective way to plan my work?

Anna’s vision is for children to really know what they are good at by KS2 and be able to be the drivers of their learning. She wants this to inform assessment and children really knowing what their knowledge is in particular areas.

In summing up the key strategies that have been used at Sidegate to develop metacognition are:

  • Pupil choice
  • Explicit teaching and planning
  • Thinking journals
  • Metacognitive talk
  • Encourage self-awareness
  • Teachers verbalising internal monologue

Crucially though metacognition has also been linked and integrated with other school focuses. One example is the schools work on PiXL. From Year 1 upwards regular core team meetings take place (every 2 weeks). These are used to discuss progress from previous weeks and then discuss where support is going to go. In the lower school these focus on the classroom level.  There are targeted PLC’s (personalised learning checklists) rather than just using everything. The PLC’s are discussed with children and they have ownership of these (to support their learning in a targeted way). This provides a real opportunity to get children thinking about where there are and links very closely with the skills they have developed through metacognition

Want to know more? Anna has delivered presentations to other schools and has PPT resources that go into more detail and give further examples and depth. In the first instance email or contact Sidegate directly making sure Andy is aware in his school to school support capacity.


3. A Leading the introduction of PiXL… by Annie Hunter

Isle of Ely Primary School, Ely, Cambridgeshire


My first experience of PiXL, Partners in Excellence, was at their conference in Peterborough with a colleague. We were not sure what PiXL was or what to expect from the day. The main things we gained from it were: an uplifting, motivational speech; a few too many confusing words and acronyms; a surprisingly delicious lunch; and some really interesting ideas we were excited to report back to our Senior Leadership Team (SLT). That was 4 months ago and now I understand far more about PiXL; I continue to find some parts confusing and overwhelming whilst others enormously useful. This seems to be the common theme for PiXL, as I continue understand and implement it within my school.


Teachers always have a lot of work to do. We are forever juggling all the facets of being a teacher and looking for ways to work smarter, and not harder. One of the most important facets of being a teacher is strong ‘Assessment for Learning’ (AfL): using effective assessment to inform planning and ensure progress for our learners. We test, mark, record, target, plan, teach and retest. This cycle repeats throughout the week, term and year. The SLT also aim to structure assessment so it is consistent, effective and easy to understand. Does PiXL support all this?

I am approaching this question from the perspective of year five class teacher and PiXL Lead. I have been teaching since 2012 but I am new to the school this year. The school is also relatively new and currently only goes up to year five.


PiXL Assessment

As with most assessment cycles, it starts with a test. It informs teachers on where pupils are and where to go next. When teachers are under a lot of pressure however, the temptation is to mark the test, collect the scores and pile the tests away atop the cupboards to gather dust. But a wealth of information can be unpicked and analysed from these tests to inform teaching far more effectively. PiXL excels at giving the tools to do this.

After the pupils have sat the test provided by PiXL, these tests need to be marked. PiXL recommends their ‘Diagnosis into Practice’ mark schemes. These not only give the answer to each question, but possible misconceptions, pedagogical steps to understanding, a list of appropriate PiXL resources and space to make notes of misconceptions or names. This follows a theme for PiXL of providing masses of information on what was previously thought to be simple task…but marking papers in this way does practice strong formative assessment.

Once the tests have been marked, each pupil’s performance in each question is inputted into a provided excel spreadsheet. This is a little time consuming, but by far one of the most valuable tools PiXL offers. Built into the spreadsheet are lots of headings and subheadings with information on each question. These have helped to identify weaknesses in: knowledge, question type (turns out my class couldn’t do tabulated responses), gaps in previous years’ learning, whole class weaknesses, group weaknesses and more, depending on your competency with Excel!

These Excel spreadsheets upload back into PiXL, which informs their tracker system. Within this tracker, teachers can then predict what the children will achieve at the end of the year. At this point, PiXL again provides a wealth of information to help you identify target children by many different factors. Our school has particularly liked how this information feeds into ‘RAG rating’ (Red, Amber or Green visual identification system) children depending on how much additional support to provide; unfortunately this feature is only available for reading and maths.

So far, PiXL has provided useful tools to aid standard and effective AfL: the tests, useful analysis and pupil tracker tools. However, PiXL doesn’t stop there.


PiXL Therapies

From the tests, teachers adapt plans for the whole class and identify groups of children to give topic-specific support. Using PiXL’s ‘Impact Manager’, teachers can clearly display these identified groups, with their specific support, and assess their progress over time.  These are called ‘Group Therapies’.

TAs are taking these Group Therapies and teaching to gaps in learning the teacher would otherwise struggle to do. Most topics on PiXL provide: an initial test to benchmark, PowerPoint to teach the therapy, exit test to assess understanding, and a third test to ensure learning is embedded some weeks later (though these can be used for the whole class too). The TA then RAG rates individual child performance after each test for the teacher to continually assess effectiveness.

Our TAs have spoken very positively about how structured, targeted and effective these Therapies are. Teachers have also commented on their usefulness and on how clear it is to track what Therapies are taking place. Unfortunately, these therapies do require a lot of staffing to implement and this has been problematic at our school on occasion.


PiXL Support

All the information and resources PiXL provides can be extensive and overwhelming. PiXL support SLT with this through PiXL Associate Visits and the PiXL conferences.

PiXL Associates come to the school to drip feed information through the year and set targets of tackling prioritised parts of PiXL. These have been invaluable for troubleshooting and understanding how to effectively use resources.

PiXL conferences highlight new tools, but they also look at performance across the PiXL Cohort to see collective weaknesses and talk through how to tackle these in their conferences. So it wasn’t just our school that struggled with simple ‘retrieval’ reading questions!



The amount of information on PiXL is overwhelming and it has taken time to help teachers understand and implement these systems. Where newer teachers seem to gain more from this structured approach; more established teachers see less use for PiXL in their already established teaching approach.

Overall, at our school, teachers speak positively of using PiXL to identify gaps, target learning and see progression. It has even been surprisingly helpful at parents’ evenings, in sharing progress and targets, and for subject leads, who have found many useful resources to aid their wider school planning.

Is PiXL good for supporting assessment? On a classroom teacher level, the tools are effective, have become embedded in school practise and hopefully, with time, this will translate to accelerated progress. As PiXL Lead, I feel it has really helped focus my attention on what needs work across the school, especially through the clear progression tracker, and given me direction in how best to support teachers.